Chris Hill

Pianist and Teacher



Latest News

Read my latest news, and news archives

April 2023

Wow! Just wow, some absolutely brilliant results including a Grade 8 Distinction. Great effort guys!

March 2023

Good luck to everyone with their exams

February 2023

Congratulations to Sarah and her music scholarship at Bryanston School. You will be missed!

January 2023

Happy New year!

All Sunday slots have now been taken. Please let me know if you would like to go on the waiting list.

December 2022

Due to popular demand, I have decided to open up Sundays for piano lessons from January 2023. This will hopefully help people on the waiting list. Please let me know if you are interested as spaces are very limited.

November 2022

Please consider buying your xmas carol book soon so we can work on them before the xmas holidays.

October 2022

Welcome on board to all the new students at St Mary’s after the recent free trial sessions.

September 2022

Welcome back everyone. There is currently a little shuffling going on with time slots, so if you were interested, now is a great time to enquire.

August 2022

Currently having a lovely holiday in Devon. Even found a piano in a hotel to have a play on!

July 2022

Thanks to everyone for a great term together. Have a wonderful summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in September