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Read my latest news, and news archives
Farewell to Marcus and Freya. Be brilliant at University and say hello sometime. Good luck also this month to Lucy and her grade 7.
Welcome back everyone. To any new students I met over the summer. I will let you know if a space opens up.
Absolutely loving the sunshine! Happy holidays to all of you going away. Happy to be flexible if you need to change your slot around during August. Chris
Good luck to everyone with their sports day and transfer day. Remember to do some practice please.
One of my students has been invited to perform at a young musicians festival in Prague. Have a great time.
A Thursday evening at 6pm is available.
Happy Easter everyone. A couple of slots will open up after May half term as a couple of my students are having a break for their A-Levels before going off to University. You will be missed guys, but have a great time at Uni!
Exam time is upon us. Already had one Grade 7 disctinction. Well done to Matthew. Three more grade 7 students next week. Good luck guys.
Brrrr. Perfect weather for piano practice though. Some scales will warm those hands up!
Happy new year everyone. Really enjoyed my gig last night at the Cotley Inn. A gorgeous pub.